„Each work of art alone is merely a sketch which finds its completion only through the eyes of the beholders.”
Ever since his young days, Christian Firley has been fascinated by the modeling power of light and shadow, the effects of colors and the reflection of peoples’ souls in their faces. After completing his Abitur (corresponds to the US high school diploma) in the subjects of arts and English, Christian Firley decided to do a job training as a hand lithographer and print template manufacturer. During his apprenticeship, he used his professionalized craft skills and techniques in order to realize his first artistic works.
Amidst the lively and international student community of Heidelberg, where Christian Firley lived for some time, he began to develop his interest in the diverse forms of expression and possibilities in the area of non-verbal communication. Therefore, at the end of the 1980s, he decided to study marketing and communication in Frankfurt.
After his studies and many interesting years of working in leading positions in the free market economy, Christian Firley decided to return to his artistic roots in 2012. For the very first time, he presented some of his independent artworks at an exhibition in Frankfurt am Main in 2014. Besides commissioned works and portrait painting, he has been focusing on the experimental use of different styles, materials and techniques in his free works.
For some years, a new fascinating stylistic device has been enriching Christian Firley’s life: “drawing pictures with words”. As a certified tour guide, he takes people from near and far into the history and the vibrant life of Frankfurt and, with words, draws pictures of his city, which mesmerizes him and in which he feels at home.
Images, whether on canvas or in words, define the life of Christian Firley.
Christian Firley
In his paintings and commissioned works, Christian Firley usually combines different craft techniques and materials. He often melds different stylistic elements from the modern era, i.e. from the late 19th and the 20th century as well as contemporary styles.
As for his independent works, he is not afraid to experiment with styles, to break rules, and to explore new horizons in order to realize his creative concepts. Not only does Christian Firley give advice to his clients, but he also takes his clients’ wishes and ideas into consideration for his commissioned works. However, he generally stays true to his personal artistic approach.